
LIFE UPDATE: Last week it happened, I moved out of California! One thing I’ve got to say is that I got to live my California Boy Dreams ✨🧁🍭 Not Snoop style, but I got to live, work and experience life in one heck of a place 💥

I experienced adulthood, love, heartbreaks, happiness, anxiety, stress, queerness, tears, long work nights, fear, first and second car ownership, loneliness, unworthiness, sadness, friendship, emptiness, excitement… yes, a lot. 

In the almost 7 years I lived there I got to discover, accept and learn so much about myself and help mold who I am today- professionally and personally. Forever grateful for the opportunities and the people I got to meet. 

I’ve always know it was not my forever home, just cause I was far from family, and the heart wants what it wants. But I still wanted to have a bite or two of the pie. Maybe I will end up coming back someday, but for now it’s  time to start a new chapter🙃 a chapter with cheap gas prices, way cheaper rent, way less traffic and close to family 💛 I’ll definitely miss LA peeps and the food, but I’ll visit. 

Living in California was the dream of an 18 year old. Now unto the dreams of 28 year young me 💁🏾‍♂️✨

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