Sleep Tracking Dashboard

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We’d like to share with you our new concept of a sleep tracking dashboard. With its help, you can track down the quality and duration of your sleep and find out how to improve it. Let’s explore our concept.

The page is divided into several data blocks: a block displaying quality and amount of sleep, a heart rate graph, and a block displaying the main points of sleeping statistics. Also, there is weekly sleeping history and tips.

We created a dark mode of the app that can be used during night and evening time. Also, our designers added some vivid blue accents to draw users’ attention to the most significant statistic points.

A pleasant UI and simple interface provide users with a pleasant experience of tracking down their sleep patterns. The statistic blocks display a variety of indicators that will help users to understand one of the most mysterious parts of their lives – their sleep.

Share your thoughts about our new concept!

Ronas IT | UI/UX Team
We make complex applications simple for users🖤

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