Homie • Design Direction 2

Earlier this year we worked with Homie, a real estate technology company focused on simplifying the home buying process, to elevate their brand and overall aesthetic.

Homie hired Idol to bring an outside perspective to their brand, pushing their internal design team creatively. Over the course of our seven week sprint, we were positioned as an integrated unit, providing direction, design, and mentorship. During the process we defined dozens of concepts to elevate their brand aesthetic — ranging from web, to OOH, to digital display and various pieces of corporate collateral.

This direction is only a small sample of the wide body of work that was created through the collaboration between their team and ours.

Shoutout to Chris Reath, Steve McGeorge and Alim Maasoglu for working on this project with us.


Disclaimer: many of the assets (photos & illustrations) used in the comps are FPO and sourced from Google or other sites to help aid and define overall art direction. These assets were not used in any final production.

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