Rootology Wellness Therapy // Branding + Website Design

Branding // Penny didn't want anything resembling a stereotypical "tree" logo. Considering her business's name + her love for nature, I decided to play with various types of foliage instead. This created the feeling of growth and renewal while keeping her logo unique + one of a kind. ⁠

Something else Penny was really drawn to was mandalas. I wanted to play with this for one of Rootology’s brand elements. Using the foliage from Penny’s primary logo as the heart, I built out a custom mandala, incorporating elements close to Penny. You can find this mandala serving many purposes throughout the Rootology brand.⁠

As a girl, my mom loved mandalas and for a while they were a huge part of my life. Designing one for Penny brought back some wonderful memories and reminded me how much fun they are to create! ⁠

Squarespace Website //

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