Classical Music Album Cover

This is the album cover I made for my previous shot, the music app UI. I'm a big fan of Chopin and Schubert's piano works. I listening to them everyday. Because I don't want to use someone else's album for my work, here is it!

I took a good hours to pick a suitable font for the title and I found Syncopate from Google Fonts. It just works perfectly with the whole minimalist feeling. I stick with a monochrome color palette for most of them. However, I did tried to play it a little bit dangerous with a very contrasting color; and I like it. I actually want to use both Chopin and Schubert's photo instead of dune. It's just really hard to find a good one and afraid of licensing issue.

I picked the name "Gramophone Records" randomly. I put it in a quick Google search and it seems fine.

More by David Hosanna Chianardi

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