The Creative Collective - Journalling
For the seventh colour palette of Huely* I decided to do a series of illustrations which could work well on a site or in a document. My topic for this mini series of illustrations ended up being based around a growth programme I was taking part of: Joanna Henley's Creative Collective. Quite early on one of the things we focussed on was to start journalling, or a bit of automatic writing. Journaling is something I've found really helpful and powerful in terms of working out issues and thoughts I've been dealign with, but most of all letting me start off my day and my work on a positive note.
* Huely is a limited colour palette challenge I run during July. The name is the combination of Hue (colour) and the month its held (July). For each image I use a maximum of 5 colours (+ black and white) to paint my images.