Stir: UI bits
Hey guys,
Sharing some more bits from Stir — the go-to tool for creators.
Stir keeps creators at the center of everything they do. With Stir, creators get a clear picture of where their money is coming from and which collaborations are the most successful.
The UI is energetic, with bright colours and beautiful photography to keep the creator engaged.
The creator economy has some of the most creative minds of our time but stats and figures aren’t exactly their bread and butter. Our goal is to make things as easy to understand and as engaging as possible.
Bright colours add energy while bold text and graphs draw attention to the most important information. Graphs have never looked so good.
Shoutout to the rest of the MetaLab team that helped with Stir - @JesseJims @Jabronus @theposch
If you’re a creator, do yourself a favor and check out Stir. If you’re a designer or product engineer, check out their careers page.
Stay tuned for more!