Peaceful Ferguson
Bradley: "As a St. Louis resident, I am pretty caught up in what is going on with ‪#‎Ferguson‬ ‪#‎MikeBrown‬.
No matter what your opinion is, it's pretty clear that: 1. We lack information, which we absolutely need to uncover the truth and move forward. 2. We have exposed a deep rift, not only locally, but nationally. 3. We need peace to allow for important voices to be heard and to protect life.
The protesters, residents and even police officers that have been called in from far and wide need a symbol for peace. People need a way to show each other that they are a safe, compassionate place. That within their reach, no rights will be violated.
Bradley "Fastcode" created this design and he's trying to get this out there to other activists—I applied it to a button and, in addition to passing them out around Austin, will be sending him quite a few to dole out, as well.