Visual identity for Bistrita-Nasaud County
The friendliest county
After winning and conceiving the strategic touristic brand contract for Bistrita-Nasaud County we passed to the next phase, that of documentation, thorough study and design, in order to identify the best options for the visual identity, in accordance to the approved strategy of the Local Council. The creative direction was clear from the beginning, documented and explained in the brand strategy which, shortly, foreshadowed the moment in which, in a few years, the county would become one of the most eco-friendly (both with the environment and with its inhabitants) and ”smart” counties in Romania, with complete automation facilities and fully online administrative operations, IT infrastructure, bio-agriculture and zootechnics. As a result, through the increasing quality of life and the high potential of development, the town hall hopes that more people would like to move to this county: youngsters, persons who chose to work abroad, entrepreneurs, small businesses and Transylvanian IT freelancers.
Bistrita-Nasaud county has a huge touristic potential. It is rich in landforms, historical attractions, vineyards and wines (an industry that is significantly growing) and large areas that can be used for organic food production. Even though for the moment, the county doesn’t have a large number of lodges, the hospitality industry could increase by revitalising the old, traditional houses. An important factor in increasing the number of tourists is also represented by Via Transilvanica (a small part of the trail crosses the county) and by Tășuleasa Social which is one of the biggest NGOs in Romania.
All these strategic development directions and unique properties of the county have contributed to the creation of a simple, concise and cheerful visual identity, using primary, warm colours, on the support of the county’s initials. The ultimate goal was to create an attractive logo that represents the new modern spirit and the attributes supported by the brand strategy.
See full project on our website.