Aura is a benchmark tool that helps companies make smarter and faster investment decisions by using talent alt-data to create valuable insights in minutes. Nagarro has been a strategic partner working closely with Aura team designing and developing their product. From branding to user experience and interface design, we are proud to share a sample of what we've been working on together.
Made with care.
We are Nagarro
Digital Product Engineering company that is scaling design in a big way! We build products and experiences that inspire, excite, and delight. We work at scale — across all devices and digital mediums, and our people exist everywhere in the world (in 26 countries, to be exact).
We’re hiring — check our open positions here.
Stay tuned and visit our profile or for more updates!
Follow Nagarro:
Aura is a benchmark tool that helps companies make smarter and faster investment decisions by using talent alt-data to create valuable insights in minutes. Nagarro has been a strategic partner working closely with Aura team designing and developing their product. From branding to user experience and interface design, we are proud to share a sample of what we've been working on together.
Made with care.
We are Nagarro
Digital Product Engineering company that is scaling design in a big way! We build products and experiences that inspire, excite, and delight. We work at scale — across all devices and digital mediums, and our people exist everywhere in the world (in 26 countries, to be exact).
We’re hiring — check our open positions here.
Stay tuned and visit our profile or for more updates!
Follow Nagarro:
Aura is a benchmark tool that helps companies make smarter and faster investment decisions by using talent alt-data to create valuable insights in minutes. Nagarro has been a strategic partner working closely with Aura team designing and developing their product. From branding to user experience and interface design, we are proud to share a sample of what we've been working on together.
Made with care.
We are Nagarro
Digital Product Engineering company that is scaling design in a big way! We build products and experiences that inspire, excite, and delight. We work at scale — across all devices and digital mediums, and our people exist everywhere in the world (in 26 countries, to be exact).
We’re hiring — check our open positions here.
Stay tuned and visit our profile or for more updates!
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