J.S. Bach - A Life of Music - Web Development (3)
This is a much more serious project in memory of J.S. Bach, a great composer. It was made to commemorate Bach and his famous works of musical art that he created that have inspired many people. This is a web development project made by using HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript.
The site includes an about page which gives more details about Bach. There is a unique store page included which contains an ecommerce feature that allows you to add products to your shopping cart, or remove them. The cart calculates the total for you.
The site does not include a stripe payment facility however, so once you click on the "purchase" button, the page acknowledges your purchase. The entire site is responsive so you don't have to worry about your site not working on smartphones and tablets. The overall site is user friendly.
Please visit the github repository for this project to view details of the project: https://github.com/EzekielCarvalho/jsbach-a-life-of-music
Please check the project out at: https://ezekielcarvalho.github.io/composer/index.html