Modular Brand Booth - Imagining the future of car showrooms

A case study on Tata Motors Automotive Retailing Experience

Task Flow

Modular brand booth concept in malls - Personalised interactive journey inviting shoppers to engage with the brand

Customised user experience:

The customer journey is being connected together by the use of RFID tags. The check-in and check-out desks frame the main experiences "Marker detection", "Innovation hub", and "Expert Chat". These unique features can invite users to experience the world of Tata motors , see their offerings and be informed about the vehicles and models under the brand name. They can put new innovations into a playful experience on big multitouch screens or have a dialog with the experts on vehicle purchase . Part of the experience is to configure one’s own vehicle with the aim to increase brand awareness.

Marker detection:

The marker detection desk will allow users, to place Tata dummy vehicle models on a touchscreen and gain more information about the specifications, price, use cases and additional information.

Innovation hub:

A big multitouch screen is the presentation-area for model style. They can be moved and thrown around the experience. Besides the information tiles, videos and animated 3D models can be placed on stage. This will allow a user to play with the experience and move parts and models around. Users can also configure the model according to their choice.

Virtual ride:

Users can experience the VR version of the car model or take a virtual ride.

Test drives:

Users can also enjoy the experience of driving a vehicle in physical form by taking up test drives in the basement.

Expert chat:

Users can check-in and chat with an expert on tablet kiosks installed at different points. They can also ask an associate present in the booth for any information.

Check-in and check-out:

Through RFID, visitor movement and actions can be tracked in realtime. This would help to see how people are using the experience.

Book your car:

If a user is able to make a decision after the experience, they can book their car in the booth itself or can do it online.

More by N. Tiwary

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