Mount Halimun Salak National Park

Mount Halimun Salak National Park is a 400km2 conservation area in the Indonesian province of West Java on the island of Java. Established in 1992, the park comprises two mountains, Mount Salak and Mount Halimun with a 11-kilometer forest corridor. It is located near the better known Mount Gede Pangrango National Park, but the National Park should be accessed from Sukabumi, 2 hours drive to the administration post and then 2 hours drive (30 kilometers) again to Cikaniki post gate.

We create Interactive Information Design for Ministry of forestry

UI Designer: Oka Kuswandi
UX/Flash Designer: Hersanto Fajri
Flash Designer: Adityo Anindito
Content Writer: M. Zulhadi Yusuf

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