Chilli Hills / Scoville Scale

Scoville Scale poster for Chilli Hills.

Chilli Hills is a boutique family farm in the Vitosha mountains of Bulgaria which specialises in the cultivation of domestic and international strains of chilli pepper.

Launching as a brand in 2014, their uniquely devoted approach to product quality and establishing new tastes saw Chilli Hills rapidly become a stamp of quality and the brand quickly established itself as a leader in the chilli product market in Bulgaria.

The Scoville scale is a measurement of the pungency (spiciness or "heat") of chili peppers, as recorded in Scoville Heat Units (SHU), based on the concentration of capsaicinoids, among which capsaicin is the predominant component. The scale is named after its creator, American pharmacist Wilbur Scoville, whose 1912 method is known as the Scoville organoleptic test. The Scoville organoleptic test is the most practical method for estimating SHU and is a subjective assessment derived from the capsaicinoid sensitivity by people experienced with eating hot chilis.

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Valko Slavov
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