Oat Float - Craft Beer Label Design

Oat Float - Oats Float? Visualizing the flavor of oats is an exercise in vagueness. I started my research by looking at different Oak Milk brands. Most focused on a muted color palette and expressive typography to capture the spirit of Oat milk. However, I'm not designing oat milk, but rather a aromatic flavorful IPA with the creamy thick mouthfeel of an Oat Milk. How to you capture that visual flavor? I hit upon the concept of a Hot Air balloon floating across delicious puffy clouds. the Clouds speak to the fluffy Oat character, while the hot air balloon evokes "floating". I finished it all with a vibrant sunset inspired pink to purple gradient.

What do you think this beer tastes like? What flavors do the colors evoke?

Pine Watt
Brands, Illustrations, Packaging, Web Design

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