Daily UI 008: 404 page

Design Hint...Design a 404 page. Does it suit the brand's style? Is it user-friendly? It might sound mundane, but not evertyhing can be flash or glamorous. Every day millions of people will be landing on 404 pages. You have an opportunity to help them in a way that's useful and asthetically pleasing.(It's up to you!)


Countinue to my person project idea on a web+app where coffee lover can subscribe for their beans delivered monthly so they can try different kinds of coffee beans or many in one box. I was trying to maintain the same idea so it would be easier for copywritting for this challenge but I cannot fit 100 elements in just one app/web, so the ideas of copywriting for this challenge is varied.

Here's my design for 404 page.

Thanks for any feedback coming up.

More by Linh H. Nguyen

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