Preis Pirat Shopping Community
Preispirat is the largest shopping community in Switzerland. Never miss a deal, voucher or price error with the free app. - Find, rate and comment on the best deals - Capture your own deals - Secure freebies and coupon codes Get an overview of the best offers for the various shopping events such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Singles Day or Prime Day. Through the ratings and comments of the other users, you can see at first glance whether it is worthwhile to buy. The application was designed for Smartphones and Tablets Android, iOS.
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Preispirat is the largest shopping community in Switzerland. Never miss a deal, voucher or price error with the free app. - Find, rate and comment on the best deals - Capture your own deals - Secure freebies and coupon codes Get an overview of the best offers for the various shopping events such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Singles Day or Prime Day. Through the ratings and comments of the other users, you can see at first glance whether it is worthwhile to buy. The application was designed for Smartphones and Tablets Android, iOS.
Check this app on:
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