Shoppingfeed Illustrations collection
For Shoppingfeed's 10th anniversary, we had the chance to work on the complete redesign of their new identity and on their new website 🎉
And who says new branding, says new Art Direction, and new illustrations.
Here you can see some illustrations made to explicate different sections of content on page of the website 🖼
Discover more illustrations right on 👈
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📪 We are a design studio for startups! Have a challenging project?
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For Shoppingfeed's 10th anniversary, we had the chance to work on the complete redesign of their new identity and on their new website 🎉
And who says new branding, says new Art Direction, and new illustrations.
Here you can see some illustrations made to explicate different sections of content on page of the website 🖼
Discover more illustrations right on 👈
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📪 We are a design studio for startups! Have a challenging project?
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For Shoppingfeed's 10th anniversary, we had the chance to work on the complete redesign of their new identity and on their new website 🎉
And who says new branding, says new Art Direction, and new illustrations.
Here you can see some illustrations made to explicate different sections of content on page of the website 🖼
Discover more illustrations right on 👈
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📪 We are a design studio for startups! Have a challenging project?
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📸 Feel free to Check Our Instagram
For Shoppingfeed's 10th anniversary, we had the chance to work on the complete redesign of their new identity and on their new website 🎉
And who says new branding, says new Art Direction, and new illustrations.
Here you can see some illustrations made to explicate different sections of content on page of the website 🖼
Discover more illustrations right on 👈
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📪 We are a design studio for startups! Have a challenging project?
🌍 Our Website 🌟
📸 Feel free to Check Our Instagram
For Shoppingfeed's 10th anniversary, we had the chance to work on the complete redesign of their new identity and on their new website 🎉
And who says new branding, says new Art Direction, and new illustrations.
Here you can see some illustrations made to explicate different sections of content on page of the website 🖼
Discover more illustrations right on 👈
Show some love! Press "L" if you like the shot!
📪 We are a design studio for startups! Have a challenging project?
🌍 Our Website 🌟
📸 Feel free to Check Our Instagram
For Shoppingfeed's 10th anniversary, we had the chance to work on the complete redesign of their new identity and on their new website 🎉
And who says new branding, says new Art Direction, and new illustrations.
Here you can see some illustrations made to explicate different sections of content on page of the website 🖼
Discover more illustrations right on 👈
Show some love! Press "L" if you like the shot!
📪 We are a design studio for startups! Have a challenging project?
🌍 Our Website 🌟
📸 Feel free to Check Our Instagram
For Shoppingfeed's 10th anniversary, we had the chance to work on the complete redesign of their new identity and on their new website 🎉
And who says new branding, says new Art Direction, and new illustrations.
Here you can see some illustrations made to explicate different sections of content on page of the website 🖼
Discover more illustrations right on 👈
Show some love! Press "L" if you like the shot!
📪 We are a design studio for startups! Have a challenging project?
🌍 Our Website 🌟
📸 Feel free to Check Our Instagram