Photo Editing Service

If you have ever wanted to find out how to make a life size cutout of an image regarding something or an important person, but don’t know how to go about it, then read this article very well. It is way easier than you may actually think. What’s more you need not spend thousands of dollars to cut out photos and do it effectively.

The major thing you need to know is that you can turn just about any photo you want into a life size cut out picture background. First though, there are a small number of basic tips that you need to know to get the best quality, to make your photo look as realistic as possible.

The very first thing you must do to start with is a good quality image. You may use a 35 mm photo or any digital photo, with no less than a 4 mp. Remember, the higher and more valuable the photo, the better your photo life size cutout will be. When taking your photo, it’s best done as close as possible, instead of zooming in. The portrait will be much clearer when you resize it. Just don’t cut off your feet in the photograph.

The next step is to get a top ranking program to use with your printer. It is always best to use good software to use on your computer along with your printer. Once you take your photo and run your printer using the software, you need to decide on what to use to adhere it to. There are a number of options to choose from. First option is the use of cardboard. This is the most cost effective methods out there and holds up very well. It is not the best for outdoor use.

The second option available to you is the foam core. Using foam core has always been the old way of way adhere photos. It is mainly used clean cuts, and it allows white edges. Another option is coroplast. The use of coroplast is useful outdoors. It is very strong, stable, and lightweight. It’s good for quality, but corrugation lines tend to show a bit. The last but not the least option is through PVC. A lot of people think this is the ultimate way as it’s the best to use outdoors and strong and durable, not the cheapest, but maybe has the longest lifespan.

Just remember to use a top quality photo, good printer software along with your computer, and the best backing for your purpose. Just follow these few basic tips how to make a photo life size cutout, and you’ll be happy and proud to show off your finished project.

I believe that at one time or another you have seen something or someone that caught your fancy and you wished you could have a life size image of that person or thing for your own. The possibilities are endless. You can make special life size cartoon characters of those things with adobe Photoshop. Or you can let the outsourcing industry do it for you.

Most of the establishments that make use of the outsourcing of graphic services primarily do so because it is a recurring service, it is labor intensive and then there is absolutely no room for creativity, and this makes it a part of the graphic process.

The popularity of the Adobe’s Photoshop software has opened up the market niche for entrepreneurs who want to hit it big in the outsourcing services. This can be attributed to the fact the major action, the clipping path is done with the adobe Photoshop software.