Future Goldman Sachs bank
What is the future of Goldman Sachs?
The august firm has had quite the decade, starting with the finacial crisis and now during a time when its competitors have become behemoths, fueled by access to cheap and easy money (deposit accounts) that Goldman doesn’t have. Add to that the flight of talent to hedge funds and Silicon Valley, and you could make a pretty convincing argument that the bloom is of the rose. A big merger or acquisition to match the size of its rivals seems like an uphill battle, given the regulatory climate, so how does Goldman - for more than a century, the pinnacle of Wall St - find a way to thrive in this next, daunting chapter of its corporate life? The august firm has had quite the decade, starting with the finacial crisis and now during a time when its competitors have become behemoths, fueled by access to cheap and easy money (deposit accounts) that Goldman doesn’t have. Add to that the flight of talent to hedge funds and Silicon Valley, and you could make a pretty convincing argument that the bloom is of the rose. A big merger or acquisition to match the size of its rivals seems like an uphill battle, given the regulatory climate, so how does Goldman - for more than a century, the pinnacle of Wall St - find a way to thrive in this next, daunting chapter of its corporate life?