Personal Insurance Journey map template and persona profile
The journey of obtaining new insurance for your client has never been that enjoyable. And no one has ever woken up with a thought: “I feel so excited today to get lost in a pile of various insurance plans spiced up with professional terminology which I will never understand!”
Do you even realize through how much stress🤯 your client goes from the moment they understand their previous insurance is expiring soon until the purchase of a new one, its usage, and prolongation?
To clearly illustrate that, we have created a template of a personal insurance client journey map, where our Persona👧 — Victoria, a medical worker and a mother of three children — is going through the experience of looking for the insurance that would cover all the needs of her family. She comes across situations where she has to contact her insurance agent, customer agent, customer support agent until she decides to prolong her insurance for another period.
If you want to know what she was worrying about and what kind of help she was looking for on her way, then just 👉🏻open our template, edit it and download! Feel free to adjust it for your own clients.
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The map was made at UXPressia.
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