DailyUI - #047: Activity Feed
Me and my layouts that refer to my life LOL
I like to bring my reality to #DailyUI challenges, it makes me work twice as hard because I need to think about UX without thinking about my tastes and preferences.
When I say that I like to bring my reality, it's not that everything is 100% true - even because I don't have a personal trainer, but it's because I always want to bring something that I go through at the moment (which in this case is mine return to training - I keep training and feeding for 3 weeks hehe).
And it would be wonderful if the measurement notification were to say: - Brunna, you lost 5% body fat LOL. But games aside, let's get down to business.
Colors - Google it - #gym color palette: FFFFFF, 0074F2, 01223F, FF8E32 and E8F2FE. I thought it was a great fit.
For #typography I searched for something that remembers gym: Bebas Neue and Cuprum.
Image: #Freepik plugin.
I hope you enjoyed!