Blackburn Rovers
So there are very few things I truly, truly love with all my heart in this world. One of them happens to be Blackburn Rovers Football Club. A very proud soccer team with a rich history in the north of England where I grew up. You can see their current logo in the attachment. This one was done in the 80's i believe.
Anyway, I always dream about being asked to redesign the ol badge, and every once in a while i play around with the idea. I'm quite fond of this one. The central flower is a lancashire rose (the main image of the rovers). It's a more traditional view of the rose, while keeping the circular format of the last 25 years or so.
I posted it on a rovers fan page on facebook, clearly noting that this was just for fun. You should have seen the comments!
"Don't touch the bloody badge, there's nothing bloody wrong with it, that's the problem with todays youth, no bloody respect for tradition. Take your little drawing and shove it!"