User Inbox

This is the User Inbox. When a user makes an enquiry for a boat, a story is being created in his inbox, from which he can see the status of his enquiry.
The inbox is ordered chronologically from top to bottom.
At the bottom-right of the avatar there are some indications to let the user know when an enquiry is confirmed, denied or something else that needs his immediate attention.

The color for these cases are green, red and yellow. These notifications get stronger inside the message with a strong coloured border and an icon for each case.

The concept behind this inbox is a bit different than common inboxes. it's not about the user who is contacting another user.
It's about the boat you just made an enquiry for and the status of your enquiry.
So you'll notice that the actual messages as well as the area to create a new message is pretty below the main area of focus and that's happening because the most important thing for the user to know, is to understand which boat we're talking about and the status of his enquiry, so we had to push the actual messaging history below.

Same goes for the tabs of inbox listing. We don't show the user(boat owner) who answers to the user's enquiry, but the boat he's interested at, the location and the dates he wants it for.

This is something new, so please share your comments below, tell us if you think it'll work and of course if you like the design :)

Also check the full res here

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