Baggio Moving Services

Hey designers! Something different from me today. Old school flat illustration šŸ˜Ž

I admit it's a bit outdated but I like it! I never really did this style before but for this project, it seemed like a perfect fit.

Baggio moving services are a local company from Belgrade. You can see the city line in the background. My family friend runs it with his dad and the two of them, in one truck, ride through busy streets to get people to their new homes! Even the name Baggio came from a dog! That's the sole reason I took this project as I never really work with local clients. They killed my will for life a few times in the distant past so I stopped that practice. The website will go to development soon.

It was very interesting to work on the illustration. It's vector done in Figma. It took me about 8 hours to finish it. Let me know what you think. I see many oversights and wondering will you see them as well.

I would like to hear your opinions šŸ€

Josif Perovic
Art Director & Digital Designer

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