Office setup

Just 2 weeks ago, I moved house and moved office. It was time to make everything super special. Here is part of the office we're I sit and work my magic, it's a little messy under the desk in the photo as I've not installed the cable tidies just yet but everything else is sound.

Leanne, my lovely partner and GP project manager helped with putting everything together. See attached for the whole process of this space.

Throughout the whole build of the house, interior and exterior, I managed to meet quite a lot of people which some have turned into clients, so expect some new work to follow very soon.

As for the office area, we'll be taking plenty more photos that will be used on the new website, so stay tuned, there's lots more to come :) This new space has opened up fresh ideas! Would love to hear all your thoughts.

Oh and that desk, is custom made!

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