Hampton Brown // Brand Identity

Brand identity & strategy for Hampton Brown — a real estate agency operating in San Diego, CA.

Serving the San Diego metropolitan area, Hampton Brown is a real estate agency that makes the process of home buying a whole lot brighter. Founded by a British expat who fell in love with the area and never left, the idea of finding your own corner of the world to call home formed the basis of the brand strategy. In what can be an often daunting and stressful process, Hampton Brown takes on this burden with optimism and fervour, helping clients find their own piece of paradise.

When it comes to San Diego it has the traditional hallmarks of 'paradise' — the sunshine, the beaches, the palm trees. These elements, along with a subtle reference to a home, were combined to create a strong and recognisable symbol for the brand that would echo the optimistic and inviting nature of the agency. The colour palette, heavily influenced by the beautiful sunsets and sandy beaches in the area, provides much needed warmth in an industry where cold and overly sales-orientated approaches are the norm.

Sean Ford
Creating clear and compelling brand identities.

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