Almost Famous (2001)

Another one of my favorite films of all time. Almost Famous (2001) follows the life of a fifteen-year-old William Miller, an aspiring writer with an unbashed love for music, who is assigned for his first piece in the Rolling Stone magazine to cover his favorite band while on tour, Stillwaters. This is a coming-of-age movie is about youth, being unapologetically yourself, living in the present, friendships, and more importantly, music! I decide to illustrate the very first scene in the movie where William encounters music. His older sister decided to move out of their home to pursue her dreams to become - and she left William with one of her most prized possessions: her bag filled with records. Will opens the bag with much awe, being greeted by the likes of The Beach Boys, Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix, Cream, Bob Dylan, and more. Her note to William read, "Listen to "Tommy" with a candle burning and you will see your entire future."

He does this and the rest is history. This scene sets the pace for the entire film, and though I have a lot other favorites, this scene remains to be one of the most iconic as it is reminiscent of our own first special encounters and personal relationship with music growing up. As Penny Lane says in the film: “If you ever get lonely, just go to the record store and visit your friends.”

I hope I was able to capture the essence of this movie in my illustration. What were your favorite songs and scenes from this movie?

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