This is an Anti-NFT Account

I’ve complained about this elsewhere months ago, but I guess it’s time to plant my little flag here, too. I think NFTs suck and I don’t want to see them on my feed. I’ll be unfollowing any pro-NFT accounts I see. If this action is something you think is uncool, please feel free to unfollow me, too. Let’s make all of our online experiences more enjoyable, yeah?

It’s bizarre to see so many people become more and more justly outraged by the systems that are failing us, only to hop on a trend that’s extremely emblematic of the exact problems we’ve all been complaining about. I can’t wrap my head around anyone who is frustrated with capitalism, cares about the environment, and also thinks that NFTs are cool. It bums me out and I’m personally tired of seeing it. But luckily, I have the tools to remedy this.

Please don’t misunderstand this as an invitation to debate. Even if my primary concerns about the environment get remedied, I still think NFTs are extremely lame even without all of that baggage. The only reason I think it's worth posting this is a reminder that I'm out here, having thoughts. It's a one-way broadcst.

Thanks for reading, and uh, maybe farewell! ✌️

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