The Floating Mystery

>> The Floating Mystery << . It was middle of the night when I heard a big loud sound from the open field, I was alone at that time but I decided to check it out what was the noise coming from, I took the fire torch with myself and ran straight to the strange red bright object... I was shocked to see a mysterious orb summoned by the floating rings in front of ME !!! It was so bright even in the darkest night .. I don't know what should I do next as I stood there standing like an effigy. . **Breathing heavily** . . Shoud I touch it ? Should I call the cops ? Are these aliens ? What if it got blast ? Is this a mini Black hole ? A monster egg ? A dragon ball ? Time- travel ? Is this the end of the Earth ? Who knows -? . So many questions running in my mind but still got no answer :( . In the end Decided to post this on @instagram and let me friends to decide it and help me :) 🛸👾 . Made this Mysterious floating rings orb in @blender.official and post processed in @photoshop . Rendered in cycles

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