Service Icon Ideas

Playing around with some icon ideas for the redesign.

Happy with the top 6, although any feedback welcome.

Cannot decide on the web design and the hosting icons.

We Design Icon
I like the left web design icon, but fear people outside the industry won't be familiar with the code symbol. Although all icons will be accompanied by text on the homepage and some other pages, but might appear as just icons elsewhere, like portfolio section etc.

Hosting Icon
Again tied on this one.
Left Icon, represents server stacks perhaps?
Middle icon - is the network symbol so not sure about using this at all.
Right Icon - perhaps too 'charty', but I see it as either server stacks or server loads...?

Pretty happy with the colour scheme, seems harmonious.

Need to re-look at this once it is part of the page design in case it is too colourful. Could always revert back to single colour for all icons...

Any feedback, direction welcome, what do you think?

Bigger version here....

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