odisea logo design

Logo created for app called odisea. App odisea's main focus is to help people with planning their travels depending on their budget. It does not matter if you are planning holiday or business travel, odisea is the app that will help you. That is why we used bee as mascot and the main element of the logo, because bees are hard working and helpful in many ways, and in some ways we don't even realize. Also that helps us to use some bright brand colors, co that the logo/icon stands out in the see of other logos/icons that we see on day to day basis. The color yellow was picked to match the excitement and hapiness of going on holidays, learning something new and meeting new people.

Logo pre aplikáciu s menom odisea. Hlavným cieľom aplikácie je pomôcť ľuďom s plánovaním cestovania, či už prázdnin alebo pracovné cesty. Preto sme zvolili včelu ako maskota a aj hlavný element loga, pretože včely pilne pracujú a sú nám ľuďom nápomocné v mnohých smeroch. Tatiež vďaka tomu sme mohli použiť svetlé farby do ikony, aby sa vynímala a padla do oka v mori ikon, ktoré vidíme na denno dennej báze. Žltá farba taktiež symbolizuje nadšenie, objavovanie a spoznávania nových ľudí, ktoré zo sebou prináša cestovanie.

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