Anime Streaming Platform | Design Exploration
Hello! my name is Muhammad Dzaky Waly Andarwa. This is part of my design exploration on Anime Streaming Platform. I found it interesting as a person that love to watch anime besides doing design work. So I decided to took this design exploration.
For anime fans, this pandemic situation made them to stay at home and watch Anime all day along until they didn't know what to watch next. To solve this problem, I am using suggestion system based on what user's already watch before. This suggestion shows on Home screen with copytext "For You". I wanted user's to feel that this platform called "animiru" understand their preference. Other things to help user to find next anime to watch, is with Trending section. As I post this shot, I am not done with trending section. This is only the first part of my Anime Stream Platform exploration. More to come next!
Thank you for your time to look at my design exploration! I open to any feedbacks here as it will help me grow as a Designer and don't forget to press "L" if you like it! 💖
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