Customer Journey Map for Healthcare

Hello, friends 👋

Healthcare is a vital sphere everyone has to deal with at some point in their lives. Usually, people would ignore checkups until they feel something in their body doesn’t function as it should. Health problems are sensitive and stressful issues for everyone. Therefore it is important to provide the most comfortable and quality experience for patients. It becomes possible only by understanding what the patients are going through. And this where Healthcare Journey Maps and Personas come into play helping healthcare providers and organizations understand patient experiences and their goals, expectations, pain points, etc.

As an example of Persona, let’s take Lotta — she, like many people, didn’t bother herself with regular medical checkups until she started to feel tired. She couldn't recall when it was the last time she visited a doctor. That is why she decided to have a health exam after noticing an ad, stating the importance of regular checkups.

With our Healthcare Journey Map, you can walk through stages with our Persona and learn what problems she came across while:

- scheduling an appointment,

- filling out registration forms at the reception,

- visiting therapist and radiologist,

- scheduling her next visit,

- buying prescribed medicines.

Also, you can read about her thoughts and feelings on each stage of the journey and our ideas on the improvement of her experience.

Click here to view the full version of the map!


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The map was made at UXPressia.

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