Customer Journey Map for Banking/Finance
Hello everyone,
The banking sphere is one of the most tangled and stressful. Just remember how exhausting it can be when setting up your online banking account, having issues with payments processing, money transferring, converting, getting help from the service center and other different operations. And how would you improve customer experience in such situations?
And this is for what a Customer Journey Map gets built. After breaking the Finance/Banking Customer Journey into stages, you get a clear view of each stage and your customer experience there. The next step is to think about how you can make their journey a bit less stressful and more enjoyable.
Is it even possible to make a customer of the bank happy and satisfied during their journey? Check on our Customer Journey Map for Banking/Finance and its Persona Aline, to get the answer. Aline gets interested in a loan about which she learns from a notification from her bank.
With the help of the map you can learn:
- which stages she went through until getting the loan, - what her goals and expectations were on each stage, - which channels she used, - what things could potentially improve her experience.
Also, you will find out whether she decided to get insurance offered to her at the end of her journey with a 25% discount or not.
Click here to view the full version of the map!
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The map was made at UXPressia.
Feel free to explore our library of free templates and use them for mapping your own business in various spheres:
→ Banking, Financing & Insurance
And many others.
Read our blog to get deeper into the world of customer journey mapping, persona creation and impact map building.
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