Officium libero artifex

Officium libero artifex | "Free Artist"
2021 / Kurkin Ilya

The term freelancer is usually attributed to Walter Scott, used in the novel Ivanhoe to describe a medieval mercenary warrior, literally “free spearman” (free - free; lance - knightly spear) but was used earlier, at least from the very beginning of the 19th century.
It is for this reason that I decided to connect my work with the attributes of the Middle Ages, creating a freelance workspace of those times. Modern culture helped me to add some details to the picture, therefore in the work you can see some references to popular works of our time.

| Officium libero artifex is my first personal 3D work created as part of MAD RABBIT's Best Blender Course. After a while, the work will appear on (, where you can purchase its animated version in NFT format, thereby supporting my desire to develop with a pair of Doshirak.


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