Mind Palace App / Mobile Auth & Onboarding

And next concept pages of MakeSense App are Auth and Onboarding. We decided to upload mobile version, because desktop one looks pretty similar, but with overlays.

For now you can easily enter the platform with your Google or Facebook account. And, despite the best UX practices, we decided to hide skip button for newbies, because this 1-1.5 minutes of reading will save ~3-4 hours in the future UI learning process.

In a 3-4 weeks we’ll open a public beta! Stay tuned to be more productive :)

👨‍🎨 Made with Figma.

💬 Font: Inter.

👁‍🗨 Illustration by @elliezen.

Stay tuned!

Alex Shevliakov
Product Exploration & Development ⤵

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