Landing Page
Hello fellow Dribbblers,
My first shot here (and something I currently playing with...). Be gentle, no fouls please... :)
A few pixels about me...
I'm web and UI designer and I'm in love with Photoshop almost ten full years. My favorite color is blue-ish, my specialty is, I'd say, designing clean websites with some extra details and based on typography. I work in creative web design agency called Tocka (in english: dot) as a web designer. (Feel free to visit and see some crazy stuff we done). I also love to play chess and ride my (blue) 29er :)
(Should I write all of this under my profile page?...)
C ya later, it's time to push some pixels :)
P.S. I love to use freakin' smiles in my comments. As you can see, quite a lot! :)
P.P.S. @Abdus > thanks for the invite :)