Devotional Art on Phil. 2:15-16
“…you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold fast to the word of life.” - Philippians 2:15-16 (NIV)
Following the breathtaking portrayal of Christ at 2:5-11, the apostle Paul then exhorts the Philippians to demonstrate the same faith and obedience in their own lives.
To “hold fast” is to hold your position or hold your gaze, and as Paul beckons, it is to do so on "the word of life", none other than the Word of God. Now, key to Paul’s thinking here is that those who receive His Gospel and believe on the crucified one as Lord and God will also be conformed to the His image.
To hold fast to His Word is the only way we can shine. Disciples of Christ won't be distinguished by our political allegiances, nor by our influence & prestige, nor by “victorious” lives of plenty & riches, nor by bearing titles & degrees, and nor by displays of hollow piety. We shine as lights when we hold fast into His Word, and in turn become more like Him and His cruciform love. Only in doing so that we truly flourish amidst a barren, crooked and twisted world.