Game Logo Record Catcher.

EN: Logo for a game that could not be finished in a 48 hour online Game Jam that I participated in a team of 3 people: a Programmer, a 3D Modeler and a Conceptual Artist and Graphic Artist. I played the role of Concept Artist and Graphic Artist.

The main theme of the Jam was "Combat Piracy". In our unfinished game, you played the role of a movie theater usher and you had to catch those spectators who were trying to record the movie with an old home video camera. To do this, you had to point a flashlight at them so that they would give up their attempts.

It was fun.

ES: Logotipo para un juego que no se pudo finalizar en una Game Jam online de 48 horas que participé en un equipo de 3 personas: un Programador, un Modelador 3D y un Artista Conceptual y Grafista. Yo hice el papel de Concept Artist y Grafista.

El tema principal de la Jam fue "Combatir la Piratería". En nuestro inacabado juego hacías el papel de acomodador de un cine y debías atrapar a aquellos espectadores que intentaban grabar la película con una videocámara casera antigua. Para ello debías apuntarles con una linterna para que desistieran en sus intentos.

Fue divertido

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