Mixed-reality Tenerife Guide — Tigers Team Dribbble Concepts: #3

It’s time for the next shot from the Netguru PD “Tigers” Team Dribbble Concepts series.

Netguru PD “Tigers” Team Dribbble Concepts series is an internal team initiative allowing us to practice with visual, motion, and art direction skills by creating simple and fun Dribbble concepts within a short period of time. Each member of the team has the privilege of nominating the next person.

For the second round, Adam Ruthendorf-Przewoski challenged me with designing interactive Tenerife guide, using mixed-reality. By using the location and the camera in the smartphone, users should be able to discover interesting places around them. The brief suggested that the place presented should be one of those I visited during my stay in Tenerife. Believe me, designing this shot during workations was fun!

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