Randomization Poster Series - 01 // Radiation

About a year ago, I finished coding a randomization plugin for Adobe Illustrator called Randomill. What this plugin allows users to do is to randomize various properties of a group of objects in Illustrator. For example, if you had a group of squares, you could easily randomize their colors to generate a colorful grid. This poster series is a demonstration of what can be accomplished with this plugin.

This is the first poster in the series, and was created using nothing but circles. Using Illustrator’s blend tool, hundreds of co-centric circles can easily be created. By then randomizing their fill colors from a group of 5 different linear gradients, I was able to create a shiny, colorful, and metallic effect. All that was left from there was to create a couple of duplicates of this group of circles and position them in three different areas in the frame. On top of everything, a colorful gradient fill set it to the ‘Screen’ blend mode gives it that final, lightened look.

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