Financial Dashboard UI
GrowFix offers high net-worth and retail investors asset-backed fixed income products that provide higher returns than fixed deposits.
Suitable for: - Cryptocurrency - Finance & Trading - Digital Money - Business & Investment - Data & Statistic - And any more
Perfect match for Landing Page, Web, Dashboard and Mobile Apps. This set will be very useful for Designers, Developer &, Startups to speed up the design process.
For a dashboard to be considered superior, it must satisfy a set of specific UX criteria: - Clear and consistent naming conventions - The flow and layout of data prioritized - Margins are appropriate for readability - Data is neither hidden nor overloaded - Understandable and easy to read
What will you get? - Responsive Mobile - Design Components - Style Guidelines - Light Mode & Dark Mode
Compatibility - Figma
100% editable and customizable. The design elements and components easy to change. Each page is organized, named & very easy to use.