Left Behind: Clothing Brands
For the Last of Us DLC I was tasked with branding the two malls. That involved creating a lot of logos and even going so far as to brand entire stores with signage and wall decor.
These are just a few of the fake clothing brands that appear in one of the department stores.
It was a challenge to make logos that didn't look like they were all done by the same person, and to also keep in mind that corporate chains would have a much higher budget for design than smaller companies. One of the malls was more corporate and had a lot of international brands while the other was described as "probably made in the 80s, a lot of smaller family owned businesses." The branding of the stores needed to reflect that difference.
My coworker and fabulous designer Lily Nishita also did a lot of the branding. You can follow her on twitter: @lazerlily