Flowering plants of source of beauty

Here’s the list of Flowering plants of sources of beauty you can try!
1. Begonia
Although begonias are considered outdoor plants, there are many plants from the begonia genus that make great flowering houseplants. Most of them are easy to grow and good for beginners. Wax Begonia, Rieger Begonia, and Angel-Wing Begonia are among the best and most popular houseplants.

2. Bromeliads
Known for their colorful foliage and long-lasting flowers, bromeliads can beautify your interior. They thrive easily without much care, and the best thing is that you can grow them in low light conditions as well.

3. African Violet
African violets are easy to grow flowering plants that can be grown indoors for their beautiful flowers and foliage, they prefer a warm climate rather than cold. Keep these plants in a spot where they can receive filtered sunlight.

4. Scented Geranium
Scented geraniums with bright, colorful flowers become incredible houseplants. However, growing geranium indoors is not as easy as other flowering houseplants on this list. It requires a south or west-facing window that receives ample sun and moderate watering.

5. Poinsettia
Growing poinsettias in your home can add a bright touch to your interior. Its multicolor bracts look more colorful than its flowers. This tropical plant requires, light, warmth, and protection from drafts to thrive indoors.

6. Peace Lily
If you want to grow a low-care flowering houseplant, grow peace lily. Inside your home, it can live without water for days. Peace lily’s beautiful white bracts and tiny flowers flourish in low lighting conditions. It also removes the toxins from the air, which is an added benefit.

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Posted on Jul 26, 2021

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