Fake Friends - Lexi Jordayne
Lexi Jordayne is a new artist singing about life as a young person. This single talks about growing past friends who don't have your back or pretend to care.
There are many tiny Easter eggs in the illustration. Can you figure them out :D?
Here are the spoilers answers,
low battery = people sucking all your energy
Low signal = not really connecting with them
Network name = liers
lots of emoji
The plants are representing temporariness of problems, which make it hard to see the solution of "moving on"
Had so much fun making this, let me know what you think.
Used some undraw for the contact faces on the screen. Great project if you haven't used them before. And thanks to apple for the great emoji that have become part of our daily lifes :).
If you want to hear the song or buy it, check our This links to all platforms where the song is available