10 myth about online learning ?
INTRO Many of the calls we got from Parents are related to some kind of myth. As you all know that Praadis had a Parents Teacher’s Meeting Yesterday and we got a quite good response from the parents they had shared so many questions to discuss and some common question which repeated a lot was some myths related to online education or eLearning.
10 myth about online learning
There are still some people who think that online education will end after the pandemic and some others myths floating among the common people in the society. So we thought to write a blog post taking all those common questions we got from the parents.
Q. Online classes aren't as effective as in-class learning?
Well, this isn’t true many of the students had cleared Olympiad from learning online. It will save your time traveling, Cost-Effective & in one click math’s Geniuses will come to your screen, this will remove the barrier of studying from the teachers near you.
read article from here - https://praadisedu.com/blog/10-myth-about-online-learning #praadiseducation, #onlinelearning, #mythandfacts #praadisedu #educationapp #bestelearningapp