Dribbble Invites

Hi everyone! I’v got 2 dribbble invites and Will be happy to pass the ball

The Rules 1) Email me your best shot and a link to your portfolio - divapixelstudio@gmail.com with "dribble invite" as subject (Required)

2) Follow me on Twitter & Dribbble (not required, but appreciated)

3) Share this with your creative friends and colleagues.

I’ll announce the winners on the 1st of July. GOOD LUCK! :-)

Behance: https://www.behance.net/divapixelstudio Twitter: https://twitter.com/divapixelstudio Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/divapixelstudio ----------------------------Winners------------------------- 1 - pixelligent 2- Stefan Welcome to the Dribbble Community and thanks to all other great designers.

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