Quit Carbon - Mobile App Prototype


Home page includes No of days she joined #quit carbon challenge
A Progress Tracker of this week vs last week with an animated emoji
Number of days to achieve her next target & this card will be connected to the Rewards page where she can see a detailed report of the achievements, Rewards & gifts won.
Her achievements so far with sharing option
Total Money saved with benefits like a weekend trip/ shopping will encourage her to save more
Her impact on Health, Time & environment.

This is a personalised page to user where she can add her favourite things to do
We never know when we get the craving, it differs from each individual. By knowing their personal interest & favourite things to do, we can make them do their favourite things to control the craving ex: by playing games / Motivational stories from the community etc..


This page contains all of her achievements so far & the gifts she has won.
By sharing the achievements with friends on social media she will get a chance to get more surprise gifts, this inturn benefits us in Referral marketing.