Complete Profile Case Study

Event Management System Case Study - Part2

Most of the users are not interested to register or login into websites or application, unless you provide for them their desired products and services. This lack of interest is doubled in relation to completing the profile.

Here you can find some interesting tips about how and why you can encourage users to complete their profiles so you will get more accurate and detailed info about your customers and use it in your data mining.

Please comment your idea and let me know what you think about it. Then like it if you like it.

Product Designer: Ardalan Mohajer UI Designer: Daniel Ahmadi

Linkedin | Behance | Website

Event Management System Case Study - Part2

Most of the users are not interested to register or login into websites or application, unless you provide for them their desired products and services. This lack of interest is doubled in relation to completing the profile.

Here you can find some interesting tips about how and why you can encourage users to complete their profiles so you will get more accurate and detailed info about your customers and use it in your data mining.

Please comment your idea and let me know what you think about it. Then like it if you like it.

Product Designer: Ardalan Mohajer UI Designer: Daniel Ahmadi

Linkedin | Behance | Website

Event Management System Case Study - Part2

Most of the users are not interested to register or login into websites or application, unless you provide for them their desired products and services. This lack of interest is doubled in relation to completing the profile.

Here you can find some interesting tips about how and why you can encourage users to complete their profiles so you will get more accurate and detailed info about your customers and use it in your data mining.

Please comment your idea and let me know what you think about it. Then like it if you like it.

Product Designer: Ardalan Mohajer UI Designer: Daniel Ahmadi

Linkedin | Behance | Website

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